Sunday, February 15, 2009

First mobile post! Now I

First mobile post! Now I can keep up with posts a little better.

Back to the Blog

It's been nearly a year since I've written anything here, but I think I might be able to keep with it this time. Let's see how it goes...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Almost There

So today has been much less productive than it should have been. The thesis is written except for the conclusion but it's been pretty decent. So now I have to proofread the thing and it's going a lot slower than I thought it would be. So eventually it'll be all finished. Just proofread, edit, then hope for the best from my advisor. Time to get back to the frustrating process. Off we go.....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sadly, nothing new

In an attempt to post every day, I'm writing, though I have nothing exciting to say. I tried to write today, but it was useless. For those that may come across my blog, I'm writing my Masters thesis about the family as an important aspect within two of the novels of Halldór Laxness, the Icelandic author that won the Nobel Prize in 1955. I think his novels are incredibly rich and exciting to read and that the silence present within them is astounding.

At any rate, writing today was a bust. I got up, made a decent breakfast, but wrote two pages of filler (at best). Finally in the afternoon I forced myself to write two pages of notes that I hope to turn into something worthwhile. Tomorrow I won't have the chance to just spend the day watching videos of Anderson Cooper on youtube and waiting for inspiration to come. At any rate I hope for productivity to hit me tomorrow. Until then I'll listen to Eurobandið, the group that should really win the upcoming Eurovision contest in Serbia. Here's their video.

Though I don't know if this vid is their top performance, it's a great song. Icelandic radio, like FM 95.7 is playing the English version - This if my life - which is great but doesn't have an official video. I hope that Iceland wins, because this song is a lot of fun and works well in both languages. Youtube results sort of favor the Icelanders, so I hope it comes out that way in the end. If I had a vote you know who it would be for...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Well now I'd like to try

I saw this on Leftover Beef and thought it would be worth checking out, seeing as how I'm not that fond of children. Based on the fact that I have no fight experience I expected to get a pretty low number, but I guess since I have no qualms about punting a child that ups my number a little bit. Oh yeah.


My First Post!

Though I'm quite sure not many people will come across this blog, I'm still going to write. I have a feeling that a lot of this might end up being about food coupled with other random things. Here goes...